If you’re anything like me, you miss vacation, and have been planning elaborate trips in your head to get you through this time of prolonged “stay-cation” we’ve been enduring. But one of the parts of traveling I miss the most is the anticipation of the trip itself – envisioning new foods to eat, new sights to see, and… what in the world am I going to wear???
Some people know how to travel in style, arriving at their destination with a chic shoulder bag packed with a light capsule wardrobe of four interchangeable pieces, fresh-faced and carefree. I’m not one of them.
I get excited (read: stressed) and promptly begin to strategize how I will manage to fit the entire contents of my closet in my vintage (read: dated) suitcase that by some chance still manages to zip shut. There are sooooo many factors to consider! Will it be hot? Cold? Will I be going out to a fancy restaurant or burning s’mores by a campfire? Is a dress too dressy for a dressy dinner? Should I bring a jacket even if it’s summer? How many pairs of sandals is too many?
So I decided to up my trip prep game and accumulate some packing wisdom in order to help myself (and you!) become a smarter packer. Here are my 10 must-know suitcase packing tips:
1. Prepare to pack for comfort.
Everybody likes to look cute at all times, and I am no exception. But the truth is that visiting a new place is going to require you to be on your feet pretty much all day. After all, that’s the whole point of travel, right? You get to explore a new place and to fully absorb the experience, you can’t be distracted by clothes that are too clingy or shoes that pinch. Remember, the trip is about the scenery, not what you’re wearing when you see it.
2. Use a packing list – yes, really.
Your mom was right – lists really do help keep you on track. And it’s all too easy to forget things during the stressed few days before you leave. A packing list will help keep you organized and focused so that you can set out on your trip worry-free. Just make sure you go through it once more the night before you leave (or the morning of) to make sure you haven’t forgotten something.
3. Plan your stay.
Now, I’m not saying you must have your daily itinerary all planned, but having a good idea of what you may be doing during your vacation is essential to packing smart. Will there be any activities that require special clothing, like hiking, biking or snorkeling? You may need special hiking or water shoes. Or a cocktail dress for that formal evening on your cruise. Plan for all of your possible activities!
4. Roll your clothes.
Switching from folding my clothes to rolling them changed my whole packing experience. Not only does it save on space, allowing you to bring more options, it also cuts down on wrinkles caused by the folds. Also, rolling your clothes between sheets of tissue paper helps to keep your clothes looking fresh by minimizing friction and wear.
5. Bring some extra bags.
A laundry bag or two will come in handy for repacking dirty clothes at the end of your trip or packaging souvenirs among your clothing. Ziploc bags are handy for keeping smallish items organized – phone charger, camera battery, adapters, headphones, and any other loose accessories.
6. Plan to dress in layers.
We all know packing a puffy jacket or several chunky sweaters can quickly fill up your suitcase. So unless you’re planning to a hike through the icy tundra, plan to pack several smaller items you can layer for warmth. Extra points if you can mix and match them for a variety of outfits. Wear a sweater and scarf on the plane over a t-shirt and leggings – not only will you have a more comfortable flight, those are two cold-weather items you won’t have to squeeze in your suitcase.
7. Use a toiletries bag.
You never know when a bottle or tube will break, so keeping your liquid items separate from your clothing is super important! You don’t want to end up on your long-awaited vacation only to discover you have to do an entire load of laundry as soon as you arrive.
8. Add some dryer sheets.
Throwing a couple of dryer sheets in your suitcase will prevent your clothes from absorbing that strange traveling smell that seems to occur between destinations. They will keep your outfits smelling fresh and clean!
9. Resist packing for “just in case.”
I know, I know, it’s smart to be prepared for anything. But it can be easy to overload your suitcase with things you “might” need – chances are, you won’t. And if something comes up unexpectedly, more likely than not, there will be a place to purchase emergency items, like a raincoat in case of a tropical storm, for instance. It will be okay.
10. Leave some space.
It’s so hard to resist cramming your suitcase with anything and everything you can possibly fit into it, just to have more options while you travel. But we both know you probably won’t complete a visit to a new place without purchasing at least one or two souvenirs to remember your vacation. So be sure to leave a little room to fit those treasures for the trip home.
One item I must have with me every time I travel is my Mediflow Travel Pillow, because who wants to deal with neck pain on their vacation? Since you never know what kind of pillows you will find at a hotel or how uncomfortable your flight may be, this pillow is a lifesaver! It is small enough to carry with you and is adjustable to your comfort level. Use my code Welcome10Off here to save 10% on your purchase!
Packing can be stressful and even overwhelming at times. Hopefully you found these tips helpful so that you can enjoy looking forward to your trip.
Happy travels!
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